all works done by Hunter Atha

I created 100 pinch pots and arranged them in a 10x10 square. Each pot was filled with rice and gradually became more filled from one corner to the other corner of the square

100 pinch pots arranged in a square, filled with rice

pewter broach, cast in a cuddle fish bone, holding together a hand woven scarf

hand woven scarf, dip dyed (white to grey), broach holding the scarf together

human scale, inflatable camera made from trash bags and clear plastic.

camera inflatable set in front of the photography building at Arizona State University

This is a kinetic sculpture, so the metal pice can spin and move off axis when touched. This piece made from twigs, styrofoam inside structure, and metal bar, shows the relationship between wood and man. THe balance between wood in nature and wood for industrial design and commercialism.

wooded twigs surround styrofoam wrapped in yarn.

This hat is made from hand knitted black and white trash bags. This is a fair isle style of knitting and references to the Nordic snowflake pattern that has been around for hundreds of years. This shows the relationship between an old design with a new material.

a detail shot of the snowflake fair isle design.

A bird made from metal wire hanging. This metal sculpture shows a bird right before is catches a fish, talons out and swooping towards the ground.

front view of the bird with talons out ready to strike

A plaster relief 10"x10" The top section of a partner piece. A diver in a pike position

This is the bottom piece of the paired art work. The diver enters the water with the geometric triangles showing the path of motion from the top diver.

The complete piece, both the top diver in pike, and bottom entry into water

A chaise lounge made from cardboard and hot glue at joints. This piece is made to be sat on by a pool, relaxing.